Train Carts, 2023, structure , for Yale School of Art , with Ainsley Romero , in New Haven, CT, 12 x 23 x 20”, out of plywood, casters, screw eyes and hooks
Zine Wagon #01, 2023, structure , for HEINI , in New York City, 16 x 19 x 40”, out of 1" OD x .049 Carbon Steel Round Tube, 16" Flat Free Solid Polyurethane Tires and Wheels, Axle Cap Nuts
Green Structure, 2022, furniture, structure , in New Haven, CT, chair version 21 x 20 x 35”, stepladder version 21 x 40 x 35”, out of 1” square dowels, 10' Flat Free Tires, 5/8" Galvanized Threaded Rod, turnbuckles
Retrospecta 45, 2022, publication , for Yale School of Architecture , with Jisung Park , in New Haven, CT, 6.375” x 0.9375” x 9”, out of paper, cardboard, URL
Stretching Chairs, 2021, structure , in New Haven, CT, 21 x 24 x 23”, 18 x 23 x 16”, 18 x 24 x 31”, 18 x 23 x 32”, 20 x 28 x 24”, out of wood
Wheelbarrow bookshelf, 2021, furniture, sound, structure , in New Haven, CT, 25 x 36 x 22”, out of recycled wood and steel, UFP pegboard, threaded rods, screws, solid rubber tire wheel, URL
The Best Dutch Book Design, Student Jury Catalogue, 2020, book, installation , for Best Dutch Book Designs Foundation , in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 240 x 100 x 321mm, out of papers, URL